In this section you can read about our vision, our approach to practice, our intended audience, and a few words about us.
Spirituality is the art of aligning with life; the art of aligning our sentiment,
thought and behavior with the laws of the universe (the divine).
It is the effort to make life fulfilling, happy, and effortless.
And maybe even contribute harmony to the world.
Often people do not find spirituality to be accessible. And that is no surprise. It is difficult to see the purity and simplicity of spiritual wisdom hidden behind the endless hordes of philosophies, dogmas, gods, morals, great dramas and great sufferings normally associated with spirituality.
In our school we want to exhibit spirituality in its primary terms.
Thus, our approach is experiential, simple, palpable, direct, and rational.
We want to connect and align with life and perceive its beauty and depth.
Every individual's humanity is striving to connect deeper with life.
We aim to facilitate this connection in a form that
is simple and natural to the individual.
Lastly, since we live in scientific, intellectual and analytic times,
it only makes sense that our approach should fit the modern mind.
The spiritual process cannot be primarily intellectual, but it can appeal to the modern intellect,
and it can also use this intellect to its advantage.
We strive for practicality; practice should be effective.
And we strive for clarity and transparency; we can avoid confusions
and maintain momentum when we know what is going on (to the extent that this is possible).
The intellect is definitely one of our tools.
The teachings of the masters is another.
The process of life itself, though, is the ultimate and we hope to
assist you to something more refined than you are used to.
Being joyful is pivotal in order to sustain our efforts
and create momentum.
When joyful our whole system works in a way much
superior compared to when not.
As such, joy and pleasantness is a focal point.
(We are referring here to inner pleasantness;
not "pleasantness" at the level of the senses.)
Lastly, it is important to be comprehensive.
We need to take the whole picture into account.
What matters is the next step and that should be the relevant step.
Spirituality is complicated, and random practice will not take us very far.
Primarily, we aim our efforts towards people who are already
spiritually inclined (possibly without knowing that) and motivated.
The reason behind that is that these people are much readier to
receive deep instruction, compared to the average individual.
This makes our own efforts, as a school, efficient.
Additionally, we want to offer a way into spirituality to people
who are are mainly just bothered by a lack of wellbeing and
are only ready for a smaller effort.
These people can be offered key practices that are in tune to their personalities and preferences.
Ideally, they can also be made conscious witnesses of the depth of life (at least a little bit).
In time, if they stay aligned to their new-found ways,
the potential is high.
Moreover, we want to bring out the spirituality from those seekers who are just looking at the wrong places. We especially focus on two specific groups.
First group are the scientifically-oriented people
of high intellectual capacity.
It is important to establish ways that can bring these
people into spirituality.
By doing so, we are preparing the ground in society for the modern intellectual mind
to enter spirituality.
The other group are people who, in their hearts, are close to some spiritual (potentially religious) tradition. (Whether they realize it or not.)
Nowadays, most of these people are unable to access that part of the tradition which constitutes an effective spiritual practice.
And they either are not really efficient with their practice, or they may even disregard spirituality and/or religion as nonsensical.
In general, though, the most important ingredient tends
to be the desire to shift to something greater.
Good-natured individuals that want to evolve are part of our audience.
For practical reasons, we will tell you a few things about the individual in whom the vision behind this school has taken place.
However, let us note that spitiruality is not about individual characters and their stories.
The characters are just tools.
This fact is pivotal and that is why the one and only book you will find on this website revolves around this.
Try this thought inside your head: "it is not about me".
This may sound like some moral code, or the stance of someone who is depressed, cannot seem to
find anything interesting to do in their lives and tries to find solace in the lives of others.
But it is also a straightforward stance that arises from
a deeper realization of the workings of human life.
The deeper we go, the more apparent it becomes.
It is not about saying 'no' to ourselves;
it is about saying 'yes' to reality, 'yes' to light.
Anyhow, the individual we mentioned above goes by
the name of Georgios.
Since an early age, he has always strived to get to the bottom of things.
He tried science for about a decade, but to no avail.
The BIG questions can only be "satisfied" (satiated, to be more precise) through the spiritual process.
After many years of friction with a variety of spiritual practices and traditions he found focus on one specific path.
The time also came when he perceived something deeper.
With the help of great individuals he found steadiness too.
Luckily, the way to this depth was in many ways evident to him. And the way was not tied to one specific path.
This understanding was the result of many years of contemplation (informed by spiritual insight) on the human psyche,
the ways of life and nature, the lucid teachings of the masters, the grace of his own teachers, and mainly the grace of life itself.
As he always had an urge to share what he knows, having touched depth and being alert to the path, he wishes to spark the seed of persistent beauty to those around him.